Sesame seeds have been in use for thousands of years, but only recently have the versatile seeds started getting the attention they deserves. Nutritious and flavorsome condiments, sesame seeds form an important part of food industry across the globe. Whether it’s your burgers, salads, smoothies or deserts, the ubiquitous seed has made its way into every recipe. The rising popularity is no less than a challenge for sesame exporters who are expected to meet the growing demands for seeds that match international standards.
Organic Products India is a trusted brand is that has made its mark in the global organic food industry. The range of sesame seeds provided by the company is rich in nutritive value and hence, suitable not only for cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. Grown and processed under controlled conditions with no harmful interferences, the OPI products boast unparalleled quality and natural goodness.
If you’re exploring recipes with sesame seeds or looking for ways to include these seeds into your diet, learning about the commonly available types and their nutritional value can be really helpful. Black sesame seeds (unhulled) and white sesame seeds (hulled) are the most common types that you will come across. Although both are brimming with nutritious value and flavors, there are some variations that are good to know. For instance, the black sesame seeds are crunchier and have a strong flavor while the white sesame seeds are milder with a sweeter tinge.
Assessing nutritional value of black & white sesame seeds
Both the seeds are rich in key nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. However, the respective key properties vary in black and white sesame seeds.
Generally, black sesame seeds outdo white sesame seeds in this regard. It’s said that one serving or tablespoon of black sesame seeds offers more calcium, potassium, copper, iron, and manganese than a corresponding amount of white sesame seeds. The disparity gets more pronounced with calcium. This is because of the hulls that black sesame seeds typically possess. Black sesame seeds are also associated with other vital elements such as lignans and antioxidants.
While all sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants, it’s the black ones, which are particularly richer sources. They play an important role in preventing or slowing down different types of cell damage in your body. Hence, black sesame seeds are known to be effective in conditions related to diabetes, heart ailments, and even cancer.
For a better understanding, let’s take a look at the comparative study of the nutritional value of the two. The table below reveals the most notable differences between one tablespoon of hulled and unhulled sesame seeds:
MineralsBlack sesame seedsWhite sesame seeds
Are black and white sesame seeds interchangeable?
Most people believe that the two seeds can be used interchangeably. However, one must be ready to accept the slight variations in visual appeal and flavor. For instance, if you use white sesame seeds instead of black ones in noodles, you’ll not get the striking appeal of black sesame seeds.
Also, since the black sesame seeds have a stronger flavor, they are preferably used in savories rather than for desserts. If you try to pair them with sweets dishes, the chances are you might not get the exact desired flavor. Hence, the mild white sesame seeds are best suited for subtle, sweet flavors.